Say kind words
On this page you can leave your comments, wishes, express gratitude.
  • We would like to say in memory of Chimbarovsky Sergey Viktorovich.
    You won't come back, you won't look back
    You will not become wise and gray
    You will remain in our memory
    Always alive and young.
    Such as you do not forget.
    Sleep well friend.
    23.04.2021 В 19:21
  • Sergei son, we remember you, love and grieve.

    23.04.2021 В 18:09
  • Many thanks to the creators of this resource for the opportunity to save photographs and other materials. You can at any time and any person who has an address or a QR code scanner enter the page and remember a dear person.

    Our friend Arbuzov Dmitry Robertovich died at a young age. We, his friends, thank the creators of the resource for the opportunity to remember our friend at any time.

    25.01.2021 В 16:55
  • I want to say thank you to the creators of the “Abode of Angels” project, as at any moment you can go to the site and see all the photos from the life of a dear person, friend, Timofey Mozhaev.

    Thank you guys for your work and understanding.

    25.01.2021 В 13:02
  • I would like to express my deep gratitude to the creators of this project for the very idea of ​​creating a digital memorial. It's great that I can always visit the memory page of my untimely deceased friend and talented artist Andrey Zotov. It is sad that I do not have the opportunity to come to the burial place on parental days or other dates, I live very far away. Now I have the opportunity to virtually visit the last shelter of a person close to me. Thanks to your project, I can again and again revive in my memory the best moments of our friendship, see the photo, audio and video archive, which has been carefully collected and placed here by your wonderful, creative team of guardians of the Abode of Angels website

    23.01.2021 В 17:27
  • My father, Alexander Vladimirovich Tarasenko, passed away in January. We, sisters and mother, did not know how to continue to live, we only wanted to cry, review photos and videos, listen to father's messages.

    They said that with time it would be easier, but I did not want this, it was scary that I might start to forget him, and bitter that he would never see my children.

    The author of this project helped me. I began to collect photographs and do something in memory of my father, write his story, which my son or daughter will someday know.

    I think 'Abode of the Angels' is a very good project. And, I believe, sincere. By helping to preserve memories, you bring us all a little closer to each other. I hope you will help many more in such a sad and at the same time important matter, as preserving your family history.

    22.04.2020 В 17:39
  • Many human thanks to the team of your site for the very idea of creating memory pages! Thanks to you, my deceased friend Igor Anatolyevich Khoroshilov now has his own page, which any person can look at and remember him with a kind word, because a person is alive as long as his memory is alive.

    I think many will agree that you are doing a good, necessary job. I am sure that this project will exist and develop for many decades.

    Евгения К.
    17.04.2020 В 13:49
  • I thank the creators of the site for the opportunity to perpetuate the memory of those who are dear and who are not with us. The memory of my father Stanislav Grigorievich Senchenko, a writer, scientist and philosopher, who devoted his life to science, but was not recognized by society. The site made it possible to save all his works and send them to the future. Great project. Thank you, Andrey, and everyone who is working on this good deed.

    Софья С.
    09.04.2020 В 22:24
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Memorial portal dedicated to the preservation of memory. Chronicles of life in digital format.
© 2019-2021 Abode of Angels. Copying is punishable by law